Kamis, 10 November 2011

Book Guide

Book Guide
By: Wilmandi S.
Tittle                             : Laskar Pelangi
Genre                           : Roman
Date Of Release           : 2005
Page                             : 529 Halaman
Publisher                      : Bintang Pustaka (Yogyakarta)
Editor                           : W. Ichwandiardono
Author                          : Andrea Hirata
Review                         :

Laskar Pelangi
This movie is definitely one of the best movie ever made by Indonesian director in recent years. This movie has overtaken Ayat Ayat Cinta (AAC) as the most seen movie in Indonesian's cinemas. The latest info from Indonesian newspaper says that total people watched Ayat Ayat Cinta was about 3.7 millions (final result) while Laskar Pelangi has acquired about 4 millions spectators as of end of October 2008 (after 1 month showing) and the movie is still showing in many theaters throughout big cities in Indonesia. It is expected that 5 millions spectators is within reached and this movie can be a new milestone for Indonesian Film.
The story tells about 10 children known as LASKAR PELANGI (RAINBOW'S ARMY)and their brotherhood, honesty and most of all: spirit to conquers all barricades. This movie is helpful for parents who try to convince their children that results depend on effort and nothing is taken for granted. Besides, this movie is based on a real life story and all characters stated in the movie are still alive and can be verified.
            I am a horror-movie fan but watching this movie has made me sad and laughing almost the same time. Through this film, I thank God that I did not have to suffer like them and I think this film is very good because can arouse our spirit in the life.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

News Item Text

         SMAN 3 Pamekasan, Basketball competion held by SMAN 3 Pamekasan lately opened with a match betwween SMAN 3 Pamekasan (SMAGAUL) fight SMAN 1 Sampang on sunday (24/2011) yesterday.
         Opening match was witnessed by students, started from Elementary School until Senior High School. But, there are also parents who watch this competion with his son. This competion was also watched by many students and young kids who really like the basketball game.
          Although SMAGAUL have the many support of the students SMA 3 Pamekasan, but SMAGAUL can not win in this match.                                                      when player SMAGAUL were doing shooting                                                                                                                          
         Official Team SMAGAUL adi, said the loss suffered by SMAGAUL is due to lack of preparation time from the start and lack exercise. " My team get two days of training time before face a match fight SMAN 1 Sampang. So me and my team accept this defeat gracefully. His according
        Many said that this match isn't proportional bacause SMAN 1 Sampang is a compact team and good team, while SMAGAUL are a team of kids excellent that a seldom trained basketball. Although isn't proportional fight SMAN 1 Sampang but SMAGAUL keep playing with the maximum "We certainly can." said one player SMAGAUL


Senin, 18 April 2011

              Memahami orang lain merupakan upaya memahamkan diri sendiri terhadap suatu masalah. bersikukuh terhadap pendapat sendiri adalah bentuk keangkuhan terhadap pemahaman sendiri tersebut. merendahkan sedikit saja hati kepada seseorang, meninggikan derajat diri kepada banyak orang.

AdA 1000seNyUmAn bT kM…aMbiL 1,skRng..,TinGGaL 999..LaInNYa siMpAN d’BawAH baNtaLmu..,KApaNpuN kM sediH aMbiLaH 1 & InGatLaH itU drQ,Cz aQ ingiN sLaLu mLihat mu t’sNyuM… =)

Kala sahabat bersedih, sesungguhnya dia membutuhkan telinga kita untuk mendengarkan tangisnya, mengharapkan tangan kita untuk menyeka air mata dan menggengam erat tangannya hingga dia sadar bahwa masih sahabat untuknya…

Pemandangan Indah

         Jika ternyata senyum mampu mencairkan kebekuan hati dan maaf mampu meluruhkan congkaknya nurani, mengapa masih saja manusia merasa sombong tetap tak tersenyum dan memaafkan kepada sesamanya.

Rasa takut itu ada karena keterbatasan pemahaman. selamat pagi saudara, selamat menyongsong kesuksesan baru di tahun 2010…
Jika kehilangan itu sesuatu yang pasti dan rasa sakit itu pasti menghampiri maka berusahalah tersenyum meski itu tak akan mengembalikan hatinya lagi…
Selamat pagi sahabat. tak ada bingkisan yang kuhaturkan, tak ada  undangan pesta kubawa serta. hanya salam setelah sekian lama tak jumpa. dan doa, semoga hidup sahabat selalu indah dan penuh rahmah…

Tak ada orang yang lebih berani selain orang yang tak mempunyai apa-apa. dan tak ada yang lebih merasa tak memiliki apapun selain orang yang tawakal dan berserah diri kepada tuhan…
Jika terpaksa harus kalah, maka jadilah pecundang terhormat daripada kalah sebelum berjuang. padahal sebenarnya, sahabat berhak menjadi pemenang mulia!
Salam sahabat, tiap sakit hanya mengingatkan akan bernilainya sehat, tiap sedih sekedar menyadarkan akan indahnya bahagia dan tiap kehilangan menunjukan betapa berharganya apa yang kita miliki saat ini…

Bagaimana manusia zaman akhir yang berusia hidup PULUHAN TAHUN dapat MENGIMBANGI PAHALA dan amal sholeh manusia zaman awal yang berusia hidup RIBUAN TAHUN? untuk itulah TUHAN MENCIPTAKAN BULAN PUASA bagi manusia zaman akhir ini. wallohu’alam.
Andai tahu usia hidup akan berakhir esok hari jelas terukur, maka tetaplah semangat dan tersenyum sampai jasad terkubur. Hingga malaikat mencatatnya sebagai hamba yang bersyukur dan dunia akan mengenangnya sebagai manusia yang luhur…
Andai aku punya kuasa mempercepat datangnya malam maka akan kulakukan demi aku bertemu denganmu untuk melepas rasa rindu…
Andai waktu dapat kuhentikan berdetik, maka aku akan menghentikannya sedetik yang lalu ketika bahagia masih menjadi rasa kita…
Semakin mampu kita merendahkan hati dihadapan orang lain, maka menunjukkan kebesaran hati kita dihadapan ketinggian hati orang lain…
I get amazing word from someone, “don’t say that you miss me, because I never leave you”. and i share with u…


       Tak sadar cinta menelusup ke dalam relung hati melalui pori rasa sampai kehilangan itu begitu nyata. hanya sesal menyesak dada mengapa cinta terlambat dinyatakan pada saatnya…
Kucoba merasakan kehadiranmu, menyentuh ragamu dalam bayangan imaginerku. hanya itu yang mampu ketika cinta tak dapat mentautkan rinduku padamu…
Marah, benci, rindu, cinta dan bahagia hanyalah sebuah rasa yang tak memihak pada kebenaran atau kesalahan. dan rasa itu hanya satu yang mampu menyentuhnya. ialah hati…
Jika sabar itu bertepi, dimanakah ujung kesabaran itu menyepi. jika sabar itu tak ada batasnya, maka seberapa luas hati, seberapa asa jiwa dan seberapa lugas pikiran mampu menembus batas mencapai kesabaran itu
Kadangkala orang ingin membuat kekasihnya kesal, marah atau bahkan menangis. karena ingin tahu dan memastikan betapa cantiknya orang yang dicintainya itu ketika menangis
Tak harus menjadi orang lain untuk menjadi terkenal dan tak harus menjadi terkenal untuk dikenal orang lain. menjadi diri sendiri lebih berarti meskipun terasing dalam kesendirian yang sunyi…

Sahabat, terima kasih telah melupakanku karena itu berarti aku pernah ada dalam ingatanmu…
Jika anda punya “Kata Kata Indah” tentang cinta, sahabat, persahabatan, atau kata-kata bijak lainnya bisa share dan kirim di kolom komentar. ;)
Panorama Yang Indah

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Discriptive Text


          My house is my palace, because in this house I was born and raised. My house is not very large but comfortable for our family. In this house I was living with his parents, sister and my younger brother. 
Drawing Room
Living Room
My Kitchen
           My house is located in a small village on the outskirts of town. My house is a house inherited from the grandfather to my parents. Therefore, my house has never changed from since I was born. There are only minor changes from my house is a small shop which was built in front of the house. So my shop premises is attached. On the day my house is very hot because the little plants that grow. There are only a few plants are planted as small plants, etc.. Although my house is not too big but my house has a large yard. So this page frequently used small children to play in the afternoon. My house is also close to the river which is right behind the house. My house is very crowded with merchandise that sold my parents. One was in the living room, the room is very crowded with merchandise. While in the living room in a house crowded but not overcrowded, as in the lounge. In the lounge is spacious and comfortable place to relax so that our family often gathered in this room. In my house there is also a spacious kitchen that is some what beside the house. So my house there is a shop, large yard, living room & living room and kitchen also has a rather broad.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Narrative Text

Princes Worn Out

       After that they married daughter and her wedding party very festive. However, not long before the queen to come and curse them. 
"If later you have a child then your child will have scales all every his body". 
"And if you want your kid back into shape, then your child will have to find a black rose on the Himalaya Mountain and planted in front of the kingdom. After the scales in your child's body will disappear!". Said the queen darkness
Then queen of darkness disappear immediately.
"You should not curse my son". Princes said 
Princes felt very sad to curse the darkness queen. 
       Two years later the princes have a child and the child is given the name of William. But, all the curse that is said by the queen darkness two years ago become a reality. Child's whole body is filled with scales. After growing up, Princess told the Prince William to find a black rose in the Himalaya Mountain if you want to his body back to normal. 
       The next morning Prince William went into the Himalaya Mountain with bring Magical Rope. While on the trip the prince on the block big giant. However, Princess William is not afraid of the giant and he was able to defeat the giant using with Magical Rope. At least, the giant dead. Up the Himalaya Mountain Prince William found that Black Rose and took it home to the kingdom directly.
When arriving at the kingdom, Princess was waiting by the mother and the father 
"I,m so glad you could be my son safe return". Said the Princess as she tears incubate.
After that Prince William planting flowers in front of the kingdom. It immediately became a big interest and issue is very clear water. Then the Prince bath with water and the scales on his body gradually became lost.
At least, Princes was very pleased with all that. Then they live happily and be a very happy family.