Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Narrative Text

Princes Worn Out

       After that they married daughter and her wedding party very festive. However, not long before the queen to come and curse them. 
"If later you have a child then your child will have scales all every his body". 
"And if you want your kid back into shape, then your child will have to find a black rose on the Himalaya Mountain and planted in front of the kingdom. After the scales in your child's body will disappear!". Said the queen darkness
Then queen of darkness disappear immediately.
"You should not curse my son". Princes said 
Princes felt very sad to curse the darkness queen. 
       Two years later the princes have a child and the child is given the name of William. But, all the curse that is said by the queen darkness two years ago become a reality. Child's whole body is filled with scales. After growing up, Princess told the Prince William to find a black rose in the Himalaya Mountain if you want to his body back to normal. 
       The next morning Prince William went into the Himalaya Mountain with bring Magical Rope. While on the trip the prince on the block big giant. However, Princess William is not afraid of the giant and he was able to defeat the giant using with Magical Rope. At least, the giant dead. Up the Himalaya Mountain Prince William found that Black Rose and took it home to the kingdom directly.
When arriving at the kingdom, Princess was waiting by the mother and the father 
"I,m so glad you could be my son safe return". Said the Princess as she tears incubate.
After that Prince William planting flowers in front of the kingdom. It immediately became a big interest and issue is very clear water. Then the Prince bath with water and the scales on his body gradually became lost.
At least, Princes was very pleased with all that. Then they live happily and be a very happy family.


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